
Find advices for new and long time solar installers as well as latests news from Solutions Otonomi

EPISODE VI Everything you need to know about solar

Have you ever wondered if solar energy is right for you? How do you determine what to install? Are you permitted to do so? Is it cost-effective? If you’ve pondered these questions, then this episode is perfect for you! Join us as we address these inquiries and more with Fred, owner and president of Alt-Énergie.

How to Get More Solar Customers?

Let explore how Otonomi DX can help you attract new customers as a solar panel installer or reseller. We will focus on the most interesting feature of the platform: kit recommendations based on pre-established consumption profiles.

EPISODE V The History of Off-Grid Solar Power

Industry expert Sebastien takes us on a journey through the history of off-grid solar energy, from the first solar panels he installed to the latest innovations. Sebastien shares valuable insights and fascinating stories about the evolution of solar technology and the brands that have shaped the market over the past 50 years.

Solving the Labor Challenge in Your Solar Business

We all know how difficult it is to find qualified labor, train them quickly, and keep them long-term. That’s why we developed Otonomi DX, a platform that allows you to make your new hires efficient in your sales process and make them operational in record time.

Martin, a solar professional arm crossed

Episode IV International Solar Projects

In this Episode IV of Solar Warrior Fighting the Dark Side, we’re taking the plane to travel around the world with Martin, founder and president of Écosolaris. Well established in the Quebec solar industry, he decided several years ago to export his expertise to several other regions of the world.

David Menard, solar panel installeur in fonrt of one of his off grid project

Episode III The daily life of a solar installer

Get ready for a captivating dive into the bustling daily life of David Menard de Men et Fils, our exciting guest of this 3rd episode!

As an installer in rural area, he unveils the backstage of his profession, sharing his challenges, successes, and tips to overcome numerous obstacles such as the search for labor…

You wouldn’t want to miss this immersive experience where every detail is explored. And to top it off, David even surprised us by performing our theme song himself! 🤘

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