Why solar kits are becoming increasingly popular?

Off-grid solar kit installed by Men & Fils

Solar professionals have witnessed a surge in the popularity of pre-assembled solar kits for off-grid projects in recent years. This article explores the reasons why offering solar kits is an excellent idea for your business. Finally, we mention the key benefits of solar kits and the main disadvantage.


What is a Solar Kit?

A solar kit is a pre-assembled package containing all the essential electrical components of a solar system for quick and straightforward installation. Typically mounted on a wooden or metal board, the kit includes:


    • One or more charge controllers
    • One or more inverters
    • DC and/or AC electrical protections and wiring
    • Accessories such as DC/DC converters, monitoring screens, GSM modems, etc.


Why are Solar Kits Popular?

Solar kits offer a convenient, affordable, and sustainable way for individuals and small businesses to harness the power of solar energy. One of the main reasons is the increasing popularity of the “Do It Yourself” (DIY) trend, which has been gaining traction in various domains. This trend allows individuals to save on labor costs. To meet this growing demand, several experienced professionals have adapted by offering “takeaway” kits to prevent any errors in connection and installation when customers choose to install the system themselves.



Off-grid solar kit created by the company Men & Fils Électrique.

Here is a great exemple of an off-grid solar kit installed by Men & Fils.



The Key Benefits of Solar Kits:


Streamlined Sales

Offering a range of solar kits tailored to different project types (e.g., RVs, boats, cabins) and various budget ranges allows you to promptly address your customers’ needs.


Quick Installation

Assembling the kit in a workshop enables thorough testing, necessary adjustments, firmware updates, and internet connectivity checks before heading to the installation site. Considering the limitations or absence of network coverage in off-grid installations, this approach significantly reduces on-site work time. It’s essentially a “plug and play” setup.



Since you assemble the solar kit, you have a comprehensive understanding of its wiring. This makes troubleshooting conversations with your clients much simpler. Providing your clients with the electrical diagram of the kit facilitates troubleshooting sessions conducted over the phone, minimizing the need for on-site visits. Say goodbye to meaningless two-hour drives into the woods (speaking from experience)!


Solar kits are great, but…

You will still need to address your customers’ specific requests, even the most peculiar ones.

Adaptability is crucial, particularly for higher-budget projects. Always offer the option to customize and design projects according to your clients’ unique requirements.



The past few years have demonstrated that solar kits are popular among homeowners, and this trend is projected to continue. If you haven’t started offering them yet, now is the perfect time! Streamline your sales process and project management with our solar kit management software, Otonomi DX. Click here to learn more.



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